John Shinn
Stakeholder Advisory Board Coordinator
LBNL Affiliate
John H. Shinn holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering (UC Berkeley 1979) and brings over 44 years of experience including 32 years with Chevron and 10+ years as a consultant to the Department of Energy and the global energy industry on the effective integration of industry, government and academic technology development efforts. Of particular relevance to his IDAES involvement (Coordinator, Stakeholder Advisory Board) are his leadership of computational modeling programs while at Chevron, and his roles as organizer and leader of multiple industry-national laboratory-academia consortia for Chevron, and subsequent work with the World Bank, NETL, PNNL, LBNL and others guiding effective partnerships that bring together Industrial expertise and the advanced capabilities being developed in academia and national laboratories. His USDOE and national laboratory involvements include leading the Industry Advisory Board for the Carbon Capture Simulation programs from their inception in 2010 to present, serving on the Advisory Board of PNNLs internal Chemical Transformations Initiative, and serving peer reviewer roles for LBNL and NETL carbon capture and computation technology programs. He has led the IDAES Stakeholder Engagement effort from its beginning and is expanding his partnership facilitation efforts into related programs in strategic minerals processing.