Stakeholder Engagement
IDAES Ensures its Relevance and Value by Partnering with the Energy Industry
A Stakeholder Advisory Board has been in place since the origin of IDAES that provides guidance to the program, tests new tools and incorporates IDAES capabilities to accelerate the development and deployment of advanced energy technology.
Regular conference calls and annual face-to-face review meetings will ensure that stakeholders remain well informed of the program and its progress and can provide advice to direct the program to create maximum value to the industry.
Stakeholder Engagement Program
IDAES has assembled a group of experts highly skilled in creating the most advanced tools for evaluating the very wide range of choices in energy technologies that will need to be integrated into our existing energy system to create the most effective, environmentally sound, reliable and cost-effective energy system of the future.
By combining the skills and capabilities of the IDAES Team with those operating the existing energy system and planning the future, IDAES is creating the advanced simulation and optimization platform that both integrates with and greatly extends the capabilities of existing energy system operation, optimization and design. The IDAES platform utilizes the latest advances in simulation and optimization science and algorithms, and applies them to real world systems to contribute to existing operating and planning challenges and to the acceleration of new energy technology deployment (such as carbon capture, hydrogen generation, and energy storage systems).
IDAES has been highly successful in creating a community of advanced energy researchers to review the latest progress, lay out the most impactful future directions and to incorporate advances into existing systems. is designed to serve this purpose.
We welcome new members to this community and to share in the utilization of this advanced process and optimization platform to help meet the nation’s energy system transformation and growth needs.
Interested stakeholders are encouraged to enroll in our Stakeholder Engagement Program and actively partner with IDAES in the creation and application of the most effective energy system for our nations future.

Dr. John H Shinn coordinates The IDAES Stakeholder Engagement Program. Dr Shinn combines over 45 years experience in the energy industry with decades of leading collaborative efforts to link advanced technologies to “real-world” applications.
John Shinn, 925-300-6959,