Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee is a Chemical Engineer with KeyLogic Systems supporting the National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Process Systems Engineering Research Team. He has a background in first-principles modeling of complex gas-solids systems, including fluidized bed reactors and rotary driers, as well as general thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. He also has an interest in developing new tools to assist with the model development workflow.
Andrew has been part of NETL’s process systems engineering team for over 10 years, working as a modeler and software developer. Currently, he leads the team developing and maintaining the core IDAES code base and model libraries, as well as leading the model development sub-task for the Process Optimization and Modeling for Minerals Sustainability (PrOMMiS) project. Past activities at NETL include developing rigorous models for bubbling fluidized bed reactors as part of the Carbon Capture Simulation Initialize (CCSI) and assisting with development of the WaterTAP modeling platform. He also completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Melbourne, Australia, working on the development of a novel solvent-based carbon capture process (UNO process).
Andrew holds a PhD and BE in Chemical Engineering from James Cook University, Australia.