Dr. Joshua C. Morgan
NETL Support Contractor
Dr. Joshua C. Morgan joined NETL as a postdoctoral researcher upon earning his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from West Virginia University in 2017, and transitioned into a full-time role as a support contractor in 2019. His research background is focused on comprehensive modeling and analysis of solvent-based CO2 capture systems, including process optimization, model validation, Bayesian uncertainty quantification, sequential design of experiments, and techno-economic analysis. He currently serves as activity lead for the Carbon Capture Simulation for Industry Impact (CCSI2) and Sustainable Operation of post-combustion capture plants (SCOPE) activities on the Strategic Analysis Support Services contract with NETL. His current research activities are primarily focused on supporting technology vendors who are evaluating novel CO2 capture systems through pilot plant demonstration, optimization and analysis of solvent-based CO2 capture technologies at high capture levels, and characterization of amine emissions for solvent-based systems.