Category: 2024 Publications

Laky, D.J., Cortes, N.P., Eslick, J.C., Noring, A., Susarla, N., Okoli, C., Zamarripa-Perez, M.A., Allan, D., Brewer, J.H., Iyengar, A., Wang, M., Burgard, A.P., Miller, D.C., Dowling, A.W. Market Optimization and Technoeconomic Analysis of Hydrogen-Electricity Co-production Systems. Energy & Environmental Science 17, 9509-9525, 2024.

Li, M., D.A. Allan, D. Bhattacharyya, V. Dabadghao, N. Giridhar, S.E., Zitney, L.T. Biegler, “NMPC for Mode-Switching Operation of Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Systems”. AIChE Journal. 70, 11, e18550, 1-12, 2024.

Giridhar, N., D. Bhattacharyya, S.E. Zitney, D.A. Allan, M. Li, and L.T. Biegler, “Optimal Operation of Solid-Oxide Electrolysis Cells Considering Long-Term Chemical Degradation”. Energy Conversion and Management, 319, 118950, 2024.

Beahr, D., Bhattacharyya, D., Allan, D.A., and S.E. Zitney. Development of algorithms for augmenting and replacing conventional process control using reinforcement learning. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 190:108826, 2024.

Stinchfield, G., Morgan, J.C., Naik, S., Biegler, L.T., Eslick, J.C., Jacobson, C., Miller, D.C., Siirola, J.D., Zamarripa, M., Zhang, C., Zhang, Q., and C.D. Laird. A mixed integer linear programming approach for the design of chemical process families. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 183:108620, 2024.

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