Category: Publications

Biegler, L.T. (2022). A perspective on nonlinear model predictive control. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38, 1317–1332.

Lee, A., Ghouse, J. H., Eslick, J.C., Laird, C.D., Siirola, J.D., Zamarripa, M.A., Gunter, D., Shinn, J. H., Dowling, A. W., Bhattacharyya, D., Biegler, L. T., Burgard, A. P., & Miller, D.C. (2021). The IDAES process modeling framework and model library—Flexibility for process simulation and optimization. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 3(3), 1-30.

Bynum, M. L., Castillo, A., Kneuven, B., Laird, C. D., Siirola, J. D., Watson, & J. P. (2021). Decomposing optimization-based bounds tightening problems via graph partitioning. Journal of Global Optimization.

Isenberg, N.M., Akula, P., Eslick, J.C., Bhattacharyya, D., Miller, D. C., & Gounaris, C. E. (2021). A generalized cutting-set approach for nonlinear robust optimization in process systems engineering applications. AIChE Journal, 67(5).

Kim, Y., Thierry, D. M., & Biegler, L. T. (2020). Serial advanced-multi-step nonlinear model predictive control using an extended sensitivity method. J. Process Control, 96, 82-93.

Sarwar, O., Sauk, B., & Sahinidis, N. V. (2020). A discussion on practical considerations with sparse regression methodologies. Statistical Science, 35(4) 593-601.

Eason, J. P., & Biegler, L. T. (2020). Model order reduction in chemical process optimization. In Benner, P., Grivet-Talocia, S., Quarteroni, A., Rozza, G., Schilders, W., & Silveira, L. M. (Eds.), Model Order Reduction. Volume 3: Applications, (pp. 1-32). De Gruyter.

Biegler, L.T. (2020). Nonlinear optimization strategies for process separations and process intensification. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 92(7), 867-878.

Lin, K.-H., Eason, J. P., Yu, Z. & Biegler, L. T. (2020). Nonlinear model predictive control of the hydraulic fracturing process. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), 11428-11433.

Thombre, M., Yu, Z., Jaeschke, J., & Biegler, L.T. (2021). Sensitivity-assisted multistage nonlinear model predictive control with online scenario adaptation. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 148.

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