For detailed instructions on how to get started using the Framework, as well as examples, tutorials and references, take a look at ourĀ online documentation.
Highlights for this release are:
- Addition of a general-purpose IDAES dynamic power plant model library.
- Improved generic properties API to support disjunctive programming solvers.
- New option for including or excluding heat of formation from specific enthalpy calculations.
- Functions for producing Txy diagrams of VLE systems.
- Improved performance of units of measurement features.
- Improved the look, feel, and functionality of the IDAES Flowsheet Visualizer or IFV.
- New conda install packaging (in addition to pip install)
Development activity and full source code can be found at ourĀ idaes-pse github repo.
For support questions and answers visit the newĀ idaes-pse discussion forum.