Tag: Conference Presentation

Dowling, A. W. (2022, November 9). Multiscale design, operations and control optimization of integrated energy systems considering energy market interactions [Conference presentation]. Chemical and Biological Engineering Department Fall Seminar, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL.

Dowling, A. W. (2022, October 27). Multiscale design, operations and control optimization of integrated energy systems considering energy market interactions [Conference presentation]. Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya Graduate Seminar, Virtual.

Stinchfield, G., Zamarripa, M.A., Siirola, J.D., Laird, C.D. (2022, October 16). Optimal design formulations for families of similar processes with applications in energy systems [Conference presentation]. INFORMs Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

Cortes, N.C., Eslick, J. C., Noring, A., Susarla, N., Okoli, C. O., Zamarripa-Perez, M. A., Iyengar, A., Burgard, A. P., Miller, D. C., Allan, D., & Dowling., A. W. (2022, July 25-28). Co-optimizing the design and operation strategy of solid oxide fuel cell-based hydrogen-electricity co-production systems [Poster presentation]. The International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), […]

Rawlings, E., Susarla, N., Ghouse, J., Laird, C., Zamarripa, M., Bynum, M., Siirola, J., & Miller, D. (2021, November 7-11). Conceptual design via superstructure optimization in advanced energy systems using IDAES [Conference presentation]. 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. https://doi.org/10.2172/1899680

Yin, X., & Gounaris, C. E. (2021, November 7-11). Towards process-materials co-optimization: automatic generation of optimizable MOF structure-function relationships [Conference presentation]. AIChE 2021 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. https://www.aiche.org/academy/conferences/aiche-annual-meeting/2021/proceeding/paper/582f-towards-process-materials-co-optimization-automatic-generation-optimizable-mof-structure

Isenberg, N. M., Gounaris, C. E., & Siirola, J. D. (2021, November 7-11). New features and comprehensive benchmarking study of the Pyomo robust optimization solver. 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Isenberg, N. M., Siirola, J. D., & Gounaris, C. E. (2021, October 24-27). A comprehensive performance study of the Pyomo Robust Optimization Solver (PyROS) [Conference presentation]. 2021 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Bynum, M., Deshpande, A., Siirola, J., Zitney, S.E., & Grossmann, I. (2021, October 14). IES task 1.0: Design of flexible dynamic energy systems [Conference presentation.] Stakeholder Meeting, Virtual. https://www.conference.org/academy/conferences/conference-presentation-stakeholder/2021/proceeding/paper/182f-es-task-Design-of-dynamic-energy-task-of-flexible-dynamic-energy-systems

Liu, P., Omell, B., Li, C., & Grossmann, I. (2021, July 26-29). IDAES enterprise: Generation expansion planning with enhanced requirements for capacity adequacy considering renewable intermittency [Conference presentation]. The 45th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, FL.

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