Tag: Conference Presentation

Okoli, C., Ostace, A., Lee, A., Biegler, L. T., Parker, R., Tong, A., Chen, Y.-Y., Bhattacharyya, D., Burgard, A. P., & Miller, D. C. (2021, July 26-29). Formulation and parameter estimation of chemical looping reaction kinetic models using IDAES [Conference presentation]. The 45th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, FL.

Zamarripa, M., Ma, J., Minh, Q., Bhattacharyya, D., Eslick, J., Wang, M., Zitney, S. E., Burgard, A., & Miller, D. C. (2021, July 26-29). IDAES dynamic power plant unit model library: Analyzing boiler health during cycling operations [Conference presentation]. The 45th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, FL.

Susarla, N., Ghouse, J., Zamarripa, M., Rawlings, E. S., Laird, C., Bynum, M., Siirola, J., & Miller, D. C. (2021, July 26-29). Conceptual design of molten salt storage system for super-critical power plants [Conference presentation]. The 45th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, FL.

Miller, D. C. (2021, July 26-29). Optimizing the dynamic, multi-scale energy systems of the future [Conference presentation]. The 45th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy, Clearwater, FL.

Biegler, L. T., Kim, Y., Lin, K.-H., & Thierry, D. M. (2021, June 13-16). Advanced-multi-step Moving Horizon Estimation [Conference presentation]. 11th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2021), Virtual.

Liu, K., Zhang, B. & Chen, Q. (2019, July 14-18). Dynamic optimization of natural gas network with rigorous thermodynamics under uncertainty [Conference presentation]. 9 Intl Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, Copper Mountain, CO.

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